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BP oIL and The Media  

BP oil contributed to one of the largest oil spills in the world, and greatly polluted the gulf of mexico. BP spent billions of dollars to clean up the oil spill, that still has many lasting effects today. Yet BP oil still advertises themselves as a green conscious brand that is helping create a better future for the environment, while they contribute in destroying it. 
BP oil company advertises the technological advancements and greenwashes their oil company to make it seem much more environmentally friendly.  Large corporations, like BP oil should hold more responsibility to correct advertising and representation due to their large audience and thus influence.  
The BP oil commericial uses imagery of wind farms and sunny skies to visually represent an environmentally friendly company. However there is an obvious contridiction when you see the images of the oil spill and their poor practices. BP spent thousands of dollars in order to distract their consumers from their poor practices. 
BP even started a youtube program called Green Ideas, which focused on how to create new and effective alternatives to oil in one of their many attempts to re-brand their tranished name by attracting consumers with greenwashing, and focus on the  environment
BP has also contributed signficant amounts of funding devoted to their social media platforms, such as buying various search engines that lead to their website, in order to gain more control in the sphere that they are most critized in. Many videos were also released by their CEO Tony Hayward attempting to gain public forgiveness for the poor actions committed by the "environmentally" friendly  Oil Company. Images of a clean beach and large open waters with boats floating through are used 

After the Oil Spill there was public outrage. Many people commenting on how BP has a commentment to the environment yet a devestating oil spill occured. In response to this a fake twitter account was created, though the tweets have now been removed due to legal problems many of them are still available on various websites. The satarical twitter account had 175,000 followers, in contrast BP's official account had only 15,000 followers. 



Social Media 
BP has many different social media sites which are devoted to various aspects of their company. Their BP press twitter account regularaly uses pictures of beautiful water setting, beautiful seas, green grass and blue skies, to make people associate these images with their brand.  
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