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There was quite a buzz when Leonardo DiCaprio won his first Oscar after six nominations. Leonardo took this time and huge platform to speak about the issue of climate change. Millions of people watch the Oscars every year and Leonardo spoke out about an issue that he is very passionate about. Leo is a spokesperson for climate change and the envirnonment as he shares information daily through his social media sites which are linked below.
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Celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio have the resources and money to make a difference in the world. Leonardo has a foundation called the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which supports and runs for many different causes in the environment such as helping animals, people and the habitats of the world. Leonardo is known as one of the most involved celebrity activists as he is constantly looking to better the world at all times. Leonardo's huge platform allows for him to educate people and gain support every single day. He is just one of the many celebrity activists that are making changes to better the world for everyone else. 

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